Spring-summer 145-day monitoring of Pseudo-nitzschia at a oyster farm site (French atlantic coast) with the CARLA Kit, showing good accordance of biosensor data with microscopy and anticipation of bloom occurence.
Move from risk management to risk anticipation
Thanks to the uniqueCARLA technology, you can generate the activity patterns of HAB-forming microalgae. With appropriated time resolution, it is possible to predict close-future trends as a “weather forecast” for water quality.
A technology under the patent WO 2020/058291 A1
Biosensors for most harmful microalgae
Alexandrium sp.
Dinophysis sp.
Pseudo-nitzschia sp.
New !!
Ostreopsis sp.
Designed and challenged in the frame of an R&D project conducted in 2021, this last biosensor targets the genus Ostreopsis sp.
It has been used to monitor the summer proliferations of the two species Ostreopsis ovata and Ostreopsis siamensis on both Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts in France.
Turnkey and tailored programs for sea profesionnals
To protect and secure your facility against algal blooms, use our early warning system. Find out about our dedicated offers for aquaculture activity here or contact us !
M.A.R.T.A. : to evaluate the risk of microalgae proliferation with a complete diagnosis
M.A.R.T.A. is a microarray platform (lab-on-chip detection test) enabling the identification and the estimation of the activity of the toxic microalgae most commonly observed in marine environments, i.e. an overview of 30 genera/species.
A technology under the patent N° WO 2015/008011
Based on site characteristics, our team designs specific workflows to follow the algal community overtime, focusing on critical periods to adjust the alarm threshold.
The complete list of targeted micro-algae is available on request.