Biosensors for Cyanobacteria

Example of a 47-day summer monitoring with the Microcystis CARLA Kit in a reservoir lake in Spain, showing accordance of microscopy and biosensors for detection of cyanobacteria.

While microscopy data were generated only at the end of the campaign, the biosensors data have been recorded on the course of the campaign (results obtained in less than 3 hours after sampling)

points microbia environnement  Move from risk management to risk anticipation

Thanks to the CARLA unique technology, you can get the activity trends of problematic cyanobacteria in pounds, lakes, rivers or drinking water catchment sites. With appropriated time resolution, it is then possible to follow the population dynamics and predict what will happen in the next days/weeks like a “weather forecast” for water quality.

A technology under the patent WO 19/03904


points microbia environnement  5 Biosensors for common harmful cyanobacteria

  • Microcystis sp.
  • Planktothrix sp.
  • Anabaena-Aphanizomenon-Dolichospermum (ADA clade)
  • Cylindrospermopsis sp.
  • Phormidium/Oscillatoria (benthic cyanobacteria)
  Need to target another group? 
Some new biosensors are coming soon, e.g. Woronichinia, Nodularia
And, our R&D team can design customized biosensors, contact us !

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